Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Cowgirl

How to do it: You lean back with your shoulders against the foot of the bed and your feet on the floor, supporting the bulk of your weight.  She straddles your midsection and uses her legs to thrust.

Difficulty: 6
Payoff: 10

Even if she's never been the jockey type, she'll have a hard time resisting this invitation to ride.  Not only does she control the angle, speed, depth, and rhythm of the thrusts, but because she supports her own weight, she also has complete freedom of movement.  This is as close as you can get to having sex in a swing set without having to install hardware in your bedroom.  Your mate doesn't have to rely on your figuring out where she likes to be touched - she can stimulate whatever needs it on her own.  One caution:  Some women tend to get weak in the knees during orgasm, so brace yourself for a little extra weight once she peaks.

Whats in it for you: You can't beat the view.

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